

Mumbai, India
Date : 27/04/2022
SS's Experience

Hi my name is SS and I’ve been suffering from bacterial Prostatitis since 2018, but I only found out that it’s Prostatitis & not a UTI in September 2021. After I was diagnosed with bacterial Prostatitis, I took all sorts of antibiotics for the specific bacteria. I started with different oral antibiotics for almost a month & a half which worked only till the antibiotics were in my body. Post that I took antibiotics via IV for 7 days but it didn’t help. Then I was advised to take Amikacin via IV for another week, but the infection would come back as soon as the antibiotics would exit my body. I can’t tell you how frustrating it was !!
I had symptoms like frequent urination, urethritis, burning at the penis tip, and I was fed up with it!

I was looking out for alternative medicine because I knew that antibiotics won’t help me. I did some research on Prostatitis & that’s where luckily I found Pranav’s case study on Frontiers medical journal. I got in touch with him. He explained how he had suffered from something similar & how phage therapy helped him. Pranav very patiently guided me through the entire process and had answers for all the questions I had.

I got my samples tested in Delhi & got to know that I had 3 different bacterias in my prostate, which the regular urine tests in the labs in Mumbai couldn’t figure out at all. I started my phage therapy treatment in December, and within a few weeks my symptoms of frequent urination, night time urination, feeling feverish lessened quite a lot. I would say about 45-50% of my symptoms went away after finishing my first course of phages. The symptoms of urethritis were still persistent. Eventually I took urethral instillations of the phages with my urologist in Mumbai, which worked like magic and cured my urethritis & urinary flow.

Got myself tested again after finishing the first course of phages in February 2022, and the pus cells had dropped down from 6 to 4, indicating a reduction in the infection.

Currently I’m on my 2nd course of phages & I would say my symptoms have reduced by 80%. There are occasions where there’s slight pain at the tip which I’m currently facing but I’m certain that phages will take care of it ?.

I would definitely want to give it to Pranav for guiding me all the way, answering all my calls & questions with so much patience. Thanks man!

I would highly recommend taking phages if anyone’s going through antibiotic resistant infections. If anyone has any questions or would like to know more about my treatment experience, please feel free to contact me. Pranav has my details and I’ll be happy to help.

Phages work like magic and I’m so so glad I came across Pranav’s case study and got in touch with him. Else I can’t even imagine what I would be going through right now.

Update on 04/12/2022:

I’ve been completely symptom free since last 5 months. There has been no pain or fever or any problem with the flow at all (touchwood).

Though my prostate is a bit sensitive & I need to be careful what I put in my body so it doesn’t irritate it , guess that’ll take some time to completely heal.

I finished my 3rd round of phages in May 2022. Thanks Pranav for helping me out through this difficult phase in life.