
Sandeep Aggarwal

Hyderabad, India
Date : 04/02/2022
Sandeep Aggarwal's Experience

Hello, I am Sandeep from Hyderabad. I have been suffering from prostatitis for the past 9 years. During this time, I have been treated with many oral and IV antibiotics, but only got temporary symptomatic relief from them. I then tried Ayurvedic and Unani medicine, and taking that along with antibiotics gave me symptomatic relief to a great extent. But the symptoms would come back after stopping the medicine. During this time, I even went to China to see the clinic offering 3D injection treatment procedures, but I found that treatment to be high risk and did not go for it. My symptoms during this time were frequent urination, burning in the urethra, discomfort in the groin and penis and pain in the anus area.

One day I came across phage therapy and learnt about Vitalis. I contacted Pranav and he explained how phage therapy could be a treatment option for my condition. After learning more about phage therapy, I travelled to Delhi to undergo testing at the lab in Delhi offering phage sensitivity testing. Testing showed two bacteria in my samples – Enterococcus Faecalis and Klebsiella Pneumoniae. All the standard phages were resistant to these two bacteria. So on Pranav’s advice and with the transport kits that he provided, I sent the samples to Eliava Phage Center. The same two bacteria were identified in my tests at Eliava, and they were resistant to all the standard phages. The urologist at Eliava recommended me to get custom phages prepared against the two bacteria, which would take almost 3 months. In the meantime, he recommended me to start my treatment with the standard phages, as oral phages and phage suppositories.

For the last 3 months, I have been taking standard phages and my symptoms have improved significantly. Recently I also received and started my custom phages and decided to get my urine and semen samples tested at a local lab in Hyderabad. The results showed low levels of pus cells, and no growth in the cultures. This is the first time in years that I have had a culture result showing no growth. I am hopeful that with the custom phages, my remaining symptoms will be resolved and my prostatitis problem will be cured.