
Dilip Kumar

Bengaluru, India
Date : 31/10/2024
Dilip Kumar's Experience

My name is Dilip Kumar. I had varicocele surgery in Nov 22, after that I got a UTI, after that left Epididymitis. I used antibiotics for that infection, but it didn’t clear. Till May 2023 I used antibiotics, and a majority of them became resistant.

I went to an andrologist. My semen sample was tested and I was heavily infected. Some antibiotics were prescribed but they didn’t work so I stopped using antibiotics. Tried some naturopathy but it didn’t work. I tried ayurvedic and that also didn’t work. After that I tried homeopathy, it gave some relief but not completely. I was depressed because no medicine was working.

In Jan 2024 luckily I saw Pranav’s story on the internet. After hearing his story I got hope that my infection can be cleared. I went to Delhi to the lab and gave semen sample, urine sample and prostatic fluid. The tests confirmed that I have prostatitis, it was heavily infected and all phages were resistant except for one.

Eliava recommended me to take the sensitive phages orally and as suppositories. I took it for 3 months and my symptoms were reduced. After completion of that I again went to Delhi and gave the samples, and to my surprise semen infection was cleared completely but still my urine and prostatic fluid have some bacteria so I was advised to take second round of phages I hope it fully clears my infection.

Pranav I am indebted to you for my whole life, if you were not there I don’t what would happen to me by now I was battling with suicide thoughts at that time thank you for guiding me through this treatment.