Aditya Yadav

Aditya Yadav

New Delhi, India
Date : 30/05/2018
Aditya Yadav's Experience

I have been suffering from prostatitis for 5 years and I tried everything possible in India for its treatment. I took antibiotics for months and I took intravenous antibiotics too but nothing worked out. I tried Homeopathy, Ayurveda also for months. It gave me some symptomatic relief. Through the internet, I came to know about phage therapy and on YouTube, I found one video of Pranav explaining his experience regarding phage therapy treatment. I reached Georgia on 14 May for my prostatitis treatment. In my prostate fluid test, only one bacteria found i.e E coli and it was sensitive to their standard phages. I am taking phages orally and through instillation and just in a few days I started feeling improvement in my symptoms. On 28 may again my prostate fluid taken for testing and in the preliminary report found reduced WBC and low growth of bacteria. Inflammation of prostate also got reduced in just two weeks of treatment as the first time while having a prostate massage I had huge pain but this time I had very little pain. Hoping all my infection will be eliminated after finishing phage therapy. Thanks, Pranav for all this valuable information and help.

Update : 16/06/2019
Last year in the month of May, I took phage therapy treatment in Georgia for prostatitis. I had significant improvement in my symptoms while taking phage treatment in the clinic. More than 80% symptomatic relief I had at that time and after that in prostate fluid and semen culture test report no growth of bacteria found. But still, I had mild symptoms that remained like few times urine urgency and ejaculatory pain. A few months ago, I sent a sample to eliava and started my second course of phage treatment and now I am symptom-free and don’t have any issue with this.